"Out Of Boredom"!! Why?? As a friend commented it brought back memories.
Flashback year 2010 AD, Abhhishek (my nephew) age 13 going on 30 and Roshni (my daughter) age 12 (going on I don't know what), had made big plans to make cards and envelopes and lots of other items for fund raising.
I was to provide them with food, food, food and art craft materials (which they would reimbursed).
Every morning with great enthusiasm they created lovely cards, tags and various gift items and come evening would bring "Oh I am so bored" and "Oh I am even more bored then you are." :D
This went on for almost a week and between them they made around 150 items. They were also thinking of a cool brand name to sell these items from and while we were brain storming for the same "Oh mum I am bored, oh masi!! I am bored" went on and on and then there was lightning or rather a boredom moment and "Out Of Boredom" was born which seemed so opt for these two teenagers ;) whose every living moment is Bored bored and bored...
(the exhibition is still to happen as they haven't found a boring place to sell it from)